LoneStarCon3: or, what I did in my holidays

Late August/early September saw me in San Antonio, Texas, for LoneStarCon3, a.k.a. Worldcon. Yee-haw!

The main thing to report: I enjoyed myself, and a lot more than I thought I would. I wasn’t expecting to go to Worldcon at all, until I suddenly found I had a book coming out in August. Ah well, if a week in Texas for a bit of self-promotion seems the best thing then who am I to argue?

San Antonio: a lovely town centre, though I can’t speak for the outskirts. Beyond the limits of a 30 minute casual stroll it might be a gang-raddled urban wasteland, though I’m guessing not. The nights were singularly unpunctuated by wailing sirens and gunshots; the loudest thing was the mournful cry of a passing goods train, which is such a delightfully American sound.


An Alamo selfie

For starters, it has the Alamo, and it has the River Walk. The Alamo was smaller than expected, which shouldn’t really have been much of a surprise: most it consisted of empty space inside a large perimeter wall. and that space is now the plaza in front of it. The image that everyone recognises is the church inside the Alamo, where the few survivors (women, children and slaves; there was chivalry, of a sort) were able to huddle in the sacristy. I got to watch the History Channel presentation of what happened and felt like saluting.

The River Walk, from room 1922 of the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk hotel

The River Walk, from room 1922 of the San Antonio Marriott Riverwalk hotel

The River Walk is a wonderful example of life handing you lemons and making gin and tonic. Major floods back in the 1920s led the city fathers to cut a drainage channel for the river. They could have paved over it and kept it as a storm sewer. But no, they decided to landscape it, plant it with trees and bushes, and create a shady network of walkways beneath street level that will get you to most places in the city centre. As well as being a handy means of pedestrian access, it’s lined with restaurants (and predatory pigeons that come and land on your table if you don’t get firm with them) and stalls of various kinds. Without it, San Antonio would just be a hot and dusty Texas town. With it, it’s something else altogether. Granted it’s a little like an overgrown Center Parcs and will never fool anyone into thinking it’s natural, but so what. It’s lovely.

So, Worldcon.

River Walk entrance

River Walk entrance

The venue: very nice. The Henry B. Gonzales Conference Centre is neither too big nor too small. Small enough that you can easily find people to bump into, large enough that the dealers room and associated exhibitions provided all the entertainment you could ask for. I never got bored or lonely, and that is all too easy to do at a Worldcon. I like time to myself and I like time with other people, all in the correct proportions – and I absolutely hate making friends from scratch in a crowd of strangers.

IMAG0634 As it was, I was able to meet up with enough old friends at key points along the Worldcon timeline, by design or by accident, to be content, and I made some new ones via personal introduction. All good. It was also cleverly designed to incorporate a spur of the River Walk, and blur the distinction between its indoor and outdoor space – not that there’s much danger of anyone getting confused with the difference in temperature: muggy heat outside, ice-cold aircon within.



The dealers room was a good size and I got to see one of my books on sale in North America, for the first time ever in my 15 years as a published novelist! All the previous have been available, but what with not being with specialist publishers have never found their way into the dealers room. But here these were, on at least three different vendors’ stands. How nice to be with a publisher that actually has a clue about these things. Needless to say, not one that I saw went unsigned.

And the programme … yes, the programme. Maybe it’s the law of averages, maybe I’m getting old, maybe it’s actually a sign of Worldcon’s success in covering a wide range of topics that represent the whole of the vastness that is fandom … but the programme didn’t enthral me. Not that it was bad, and I’m certainly not denigrating the astonishing effort by the army of amazing volunteers who put and hold it all together. But I can say that at previous Worldcons it hasn’t been hard to find enough concurrent items that I could cheerfully spend a whole morning or afternoon in one panel or another. This one – not so much.

But it was still good.

IMAG0665Most personally profitable item: the panel on self-promotion. I feel vindicated after hearing Teresa Nielsen Hayden say in public that if you’re one of those authors who would rather be boiled in oil than engage your fans in social media, fine – just be an author and write. A buoyant social media community is a joy to behold but there’s no point faking one. People can tell and it doesn’t work. Find what does.

Most pride-making item: Solaris presents – mighty editor Jonathan Oliver showing off his new acquisitions, i.e. YT and sundry others, to an adoring public. Well, we filled a few seats.


The starboard bow, you say? But surely, in space navigation, we utilise a three-dimensional frame of reference, making such traditional two-dimensional terms obsolete? Oh, okay, sorry – fire torpedoes!

Most useful item: Lou Anders’ one-hour workshop on bringing screenplay skills to novel writing. A piece of advice I may actually cherish was: “Don’t watch movies for the story – watch them for the writers.” On that basis, I might actually make myself watch The Avengers. One of Lou’s many helpful tools was, if I remember right, the Fairly Useful Octagon of characters, which as best I can recall goes: protagonist, antagonist, mentor, bad example, believer, doubter, thinker, feeler. Or, as you might say and to use Lou’s example: Luke, Tarkin, Obi-Wan, Darth, R2D2, C3PO, Leia, Han.

Most enjoyable item: the one I was on, which was also the most moving one. This was Kim Stanley Robinson, Alastair Reynolds, Vince Doherty and YT discussing the legacy of Iain M. Banks. I was honoured to be a last-minute replacement for Pat Cadigan, who was double-booked. Al shared this whisky-related anecdote, which was quite sweet, and gives his own recollections here. I will correct him on one thing – I did meet Iain, once. Would have liked it to be more.

Jeapes the publicity whore.

Jeapes the publicity whore.

As for the self-promotion thing – the bit that made me go in the first place – well, no idea how well that went. I had t-shirts, one for each day, with the cover of Phoenicia’s Worlds on the front and the nice remarks by Simon Morden and Gareth L. Powell on the back. I have to say it’s quite nice not to be wearing them everyday anymore, though I did think of putting them unwashed on eBay so that dedicated fans can clone me.

(I blame the t-shirts – at least partly – on the cold I brought back with me. Americans generally have their aircon turned down way too low, and going from baking hot outside to shivering inside several times a day can’t be good for you. Native USians and others in the know wisely layer up; sad Brits like me go mad in the heat and wear as little as possible, so the air conditioning hits you twice as hard.)

And then I came home, and rather to my surprise started reading reports which suggest other people hadn’t enjoyed it quite so much, for a variety of reasons, not one of which had ever occurred to me. And that requires a separate post.

Lock me up

Trollhättan is another of those places people like me are just going to like. Historically it was as far up the Göta river as boats could come into the interior of Sweden before hitting some inconveniently placed 30m high waterfalls. All that is in the past, now, with the falls bypassed by locks and canals. Each lock is hacked or blasted out of solid rock which means, once it’s hacked, there’s not much more you can do with it when it’s served its time, apart from abandon it and start a new one. So, the old locks are still there in successive generations of size and depth, from the original which could barely have handled a narrowboat (and never handled anything; it was just too ambitious in height to for the gates to have withstood the pressure) to the present day one which can take small ships.

And what of the falls themselves, you cry? Tell us, for we must know! Well, they’re still there. Again, there’s not a lot you can do with a redundant set of falls that no longer have water running over them. They’re sealed off by sluice gates and look quite picturesque when they’re dry …

… but even more picturesque when the sluices open for 10 minutes at 3pm every day to relieve pressure and 300,000 litres a second comes barrelling down the gorge.

A bit like watching those tsunami videos, it all seems to be happening so slowly. The water seems to take forever to reach you and yet suddenly it’s there and you’re really quite glad that you’re not, and are in fact on the 30m high bridge overlooking the scene.

If Ozymandias had dug into rock rather than built statues of himself out of it, there would be a lot more evidence of his works to despair at.

Var optimist!

I have a new hero and I bet you’ve never heard of him, unless you’re Swedish. Gustaf Dahlén: self-taught engineering genius and polymath, inventor of cookers and lighthouse equipment among many other things, one of the founders of AGA, and social visionary. Raised on a farm with no education beyond the basic that the village school could provide, he went on to create an engineering company with fingers in a thousand pies and which pioneered modern concepts like profit sharing and employee engagement.

The Dahlén Museum in Stenstorp is retro-engineering heaven, and where else would you find a heart and lung machine with an AGA logo?

And wood and formica, and buttons to press and dials to turn. So many …

Not to mention an actual AGA car (briefly manufactured in the 1930s) and, the thing that really made him famous, lighthouse equipment: pre-electronic, pre-electrical and only requiring precision engineering and sound mechanical principles to work. Like his sun valve, a device powered only by thermal expansion to make sure lighthouse lights only came on at night, and which could also drive the rotation of the mechanism. The one installed in Stockholm harbour worked flawlessly until the 1980s without any servicing.
Sadly neither of those photograph particularly well in the museum.
Two things in particular that I like about him. One was that, as a teenager, he anticipated Wallace & Gromit by 100 years and invented a device that would turn on the light and the heating and make the coffee before he got out of bed in the morning. He was going to go one step further and make a device that would tilt the bed to get him out of it, but was talked out of it by his younger brother, who had to share the bed with him.
The other is that even though he was blinded  for life at the age of 43, in an explosion while testing the pressure-holding capabilities of different types of cylinder, he was an incurable optimist. His motto was “Var Optimist” (“Be an optimist”) and he had hundreds of badges made saying just that, which he would whip out and pin onto any prophet of woe that he might encounter.
It’s purely coincidental that it looks like a line of code …