Party excuse

If you find the sidereal calendar just so drearily predictable, there is an alternative. Decimalise!

I am currently 16140 days old. My next centennial birthday is on 23 June this year, when I’ll be 16200 days. Or maybe I’ll just keep my strength for the millennial celebrations on 1 September 2011 when I hit the big 17000.

I may just call it 17 mega-days. I’ll be 17 again but without the spots and hormones.

Spread the joy and work out your own:

Hello, world

I just thought I’d announce that at some point today the planet will have orbited the sun exactly 44 times since I first opened my mouth, took a deep breath of fresh Northern Ireland air and howled my protest at being evicted from my nice warm home of the last nine months. We’re shortly off to see Slumdog Millionaire, which is probably something we’d have done anyway but for the sake of argument is officially the Birthday Treat.

In other news, Far Frozen North CID have been in touch again; there are a further 12 eBay accounts linked with the gentlemen under investigation and it’s thought he may have profited by about £50k over the last three years. That’s a lot of Galactica boxsets.