Human characters in His Majesty’s Starship (HMSS) and The Xenocide Mission (TXM)
Key players:
- Bakan, Rhukaya (TXM)
- Coyne, Julia (HMSS)
- Dereshev, Hannah (HMSS)
- Gilmore, Joel (HMSS / TXM)
- Gilmore, Michael (HMSS / TXM)
- Kirton, Peter (HMSS)
- Krishnamurthy, RV (HMSS)
- Loonat, Samad (HMSS)
- McCallum, Donna (TXM)
- McLaughlin, Andrew (HMSS / TXM)
- Nichol, Adrian (HMSS)
- Perry, Bill (TXM)
- Ranjitsinhji, Subhas (HMSS)
- Windsor, James (HMSS / TXM)
- Windsor, Richard (HMSS)
Supporting cast:
- Cale, Sergeant: NCO, Able Platoon, A-Troop, King Richard’s Regiment of Royal Marines (TXM)
- Chandwani, Manohar: secretary to the Prime Minister of the Confederation of South-East Asia. Progressive (HMSS)
- Chase, John: captain in the Royal Space Fleet (HMSS) / First Admiral of the Commonwealth Navy (TXM)
- Davis, Jason: First Officer, Enterprise (HMSS)
- duPont, Valerie: delegate for the North American Federation (HMSS) / Co-Senior of the Commonwealth (TXM)
- Dyer, Alison: Admiral of the Royal Space Fleet (HMSS)
- Ganschow, Paul: delegate for the Starward Space Company (HMSS)
- Gerasimov, Yuri: Third Officer, Nikolai(HMSS)
- Jarnegan, Private: bloodthirsty grunt, Able Platoon, A-Troop, King Richard’s Regiment of Royal Marines (TXM)
- Kruger, Eric: Captain, Bruxelles (HMSS)
- Lahiri, Muna: software officer, Shivaji (HMSS)
- Laventhal, Leonora: delegate for the European Union (HMSS)
- Leroux, Alain: head of security, UK-1 (HMSS)
- Makarenko, Gregor: delegate for the United Slavic Federation (HMSS)
- Nguyen, Karen: Lieutenant aboard Commonwealth Navy vessel Pathfinder (TXM)
- Ong, Ching-Cheh: Execuive Officer, Algol (HMSS)
- Plantagenet: AI belonging to Prince James (HMSS)
- Quinlan, Sergeant: NCO, Charlie Platoon, A-Troop, King Richard’s Regiment of Royal Marines (TXM)
- Rajan, Major: major in the Confederation Defence Force (HMSS)
- Rao, Brigadier: commander of Confederation ground forces on the Roving (HMSS)
- Sorhindo, David: delegate for the World Administration (HMSS)
- Soldner, Kristina: Executive Officer, Bruxelles (HMSS)